Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Call on the Name

...all belong to the same Lord who is rich enough, however many ask his help, for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Paul writes to the Church in Rome of the justification and salvation of Jew and Greek alike by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. He underscores the power that comes with a simple but unshakable faith and trust in Jesus.

Last weekend eight men drowned in a boating tragedy when their boat flipped while attempting a bar crossing in mountainous seas. I'm sure that at least one of them would have called on the name of the Lord while he was drowning. Yet, he drowned. To the world he appears unsaved. But there's something bigger that is called apon when someone calls to the Lord for help. Something eternal that tells us this isn't all there is.

Jesus came from that eternal place, entering the world as a tiny baby. He will return again to take us back there.  There is a home that my death on earth is going to release me into. This is what the expectancy of Advent is all about. This is the source of my Advent joy today.

Lord Jesus, Thank you for the promise of saving me for heaven. With your help, I will get there.
Saint James, pray for me.

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