Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Plan for your Children

The promise that was made is for you and your children, and for all those who are far away, for all those whom the Lord our God will call to himself.

Peter the sand pile has just been transformed into the Peter the Rock by the Holy Spirit. He gives his first public exhortation and three thousand are added to their number. The plan for receiving salvation is simple; repent and be baptised. The result? You and your children will be saved.

This Easter Sunday grandchild number six was baptised. I was struck how the promise Peter made, quoted above, was being enacted before my eyes. My children and my children's children have been baptised, qualifying them for salvation. The only thing left for my three week old grandson to do is to repent. This he will do on reaching the age of reason.

My job and the job of the Church is to ensure he is raised in an atmosphere of faith so, when he is old enough, he knows how to repent.

Repentance and baptism.What a wonderful plan.

Lord Jesus, help me be a witness to my children to encourage their faith in you. Thank you for your wonderful plan of salvation.
Saint Peter, pray for us.

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