Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Like a Child

The disciples came to Jesus and said, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ So he called a little child to him and set the child in front of them...

The disciples are still grappling with what the Kingdom of God is like.  It is a concept so new, so radical that they cannot comprehend it.  To help them, Jesus places before them a child and says, "This is greatness in the Kingdom of God".

I had the beautiful privilege of being at a granddaughter's baptism last Sunday. One of the prayers said for her referred to her as a "woman of God".  It struck me how that is the way God views my three week old granddaughter.  He sees her whole life in one glance and her sees her not as a mewling, floppy little new-born.  He sees her as the woman of God that she is, with full value and dignity.

It follows that this is how God sees me, my entire life from new-born to old-man in one glance.  The state and stage of my life does not determine my value.  Once I fully comprehend this I stop striving to achieve, relax and just "be"... like a little child.  What a peaceful and joyful way to live out my day today!

Lord Jesus, You know how I strive to be worthy.  Help me relax in your arms like a child and just be.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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