Friday, January 18, 2013


The promise of reaching the place of rest that God had for the Israelites still holds good, and none of you must think that he has come too late for it.

The writer of Hebrews reminds us that the rest promised to the first people of God still holds true for us today.  This is a true rest, one worth making sure we attain.

Rest.  Next to happiness, this would one of the great common desires of man.  In an age full of technology that promises more free time and rest, we are an exhausted generation. Times of rest, true rest that leaves you refreshed and revitalised, are rare occurrences.

I recently had a camping holiday.  Physically it was a time of exertion; erecting tents, setting up equipment, tramping and swimming.  To cook and eat an evening meal took two hours.

Yet, it was a time of rest.  I came back feeling revitalised.  I was away from the regular demands of life and it was rest-giving. The beauty of the place showed the finger prints of God and I was very much aware that this was a God-given time and place of rest.

These oasis' of God-given rest are out there.  I just have to seek them and step into them.

Thank you Lord for Your promise of rest.  Help me recognise the places of rest Your have prepared for me.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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