Friday, May 27, 2011

Love Others

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘This is my commandment: love one another, as I have loved you.'

Giving His final words at the Last supper, Jesus summarises all His teachings in this one verse.  It's the clarion call He leaves ringing in the ears of His disciples.  It's the call that will overcome the world where other religions have failed.  It's the call that works from the inside out, instead of the outside in and so its effect is more profound.

If I were to ask a non-believer what Christianity was about, the word love would be in their answer I think; "Oh Christians, they're meant to love their enemies aren't they?"  Love is meant to be the hallmark of our Church.  It's what the world starves for,'s what I starve for.  In this respect I'm like a little child; "tell me again how much you love me?", I can never hear it enough.  Others can't hear it enough from me.

Loving others is easy to say but hard to do.  It flys in the face of my natural selfishness.  Some people aren't very lovely.  Yet there it stands, a commandment from Jesus no less.  I need help to love as He has loved me, supernatural help.  Come Holy Spirit...

Lord Jesus, You know how fickle my love can be and yet You place the commandment of love before me today.  Spirit of God, help me be a great lover today that Jesus may be glorified.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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