Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Willing But Weak

Peter said to him, ‘Why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.’ ‘Lay down your life for me?’ answered Jesus. ‘I tell you most solemnly, before the cock crows you will have disowned me three times.’

At the Last Supper Peter gives his famous exclamation of loyalty to Jesus; "I will lay down my life for you.", only to have Jesus respond with the plain truth; "you will disown me".
I always feel great sympathy for blundering, loud-mouth Peter because he is so much like me.  No more so than in this scene at the Last Supper where his fears and insecurities are laid embarrassingly bare.

Like King David in the Old Testament, Peter's spirit is willing but his flesh is oh-so-weak.  Yet, like King David, from this quivering, imperfect, sinful flesh came a great leader and a great man of God. Starting with  heart-felt repentance King David and Peter were then able to be transformed into the men God knew they could be.

The same is true for me.  And it starts with repentance...

Lord Jesus, my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak.  Forgive me Lord for the times I have denied You. Transform me into the man You know I can be.
Little Flower, please pray for me.

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