Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Cancer of Unforgiveness

Tuesday 12th February 2008

Yes, if your forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will forgive you yours.
Mt. 6:14

Jesus is teaching the crowds in His Sermon on the Mount and has just taught the Lord's Prayer as an example of how to pray. He focuses in on the forgiveness verse of the Lord's Prayer, underscoring its importance. Jesus knew that the biggest battle ground for His followers, for me, was unforgiveness.

Looking in my Bible I see that I underlined this verse on 18th June 1992. Sixteen years ago I recognised unforgiveness as an impediment to my faith journey. As I look back over those years I see times of major victory in this area and times of dismal failure. Forgiving others as I have been forgiven continues to be a struggle. It just doesn't come naturally.
Over this past weekend I've been let down by someone and have indulged in some "stinking thinking" as a result. Maybe today is the day to let go of my hurt and anger, with Jesus' help forgive this person and move on.

Lord Jesus, I look at the enormity of my sins that you have cast away as far as the east is from the west; and in gratitude forgive my brother who offended me. Thank you Lord for the freedom from bitterness this gives me.

Little Flower, please pray for me.

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